«Denazification» posed a threat to Poland too …

 «Denazification» posed a threat to Poland too …

     Moscowia-Russia "denazified" other peoples, when the concept of "Nazism" did not even exist. The "denazifiers" were various getters like Yermak Tymofiyovych, a kind of Girkin of the 16 th century, and the military like Captain-Lieutenant Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky, the leader of the expedition against the Khiva Khanate at the beginning of the 18 th century, who was beheaded by ungrateful natives right in front of the Khan's tent.     The goal of all these "denazifications" was, as in our days, the seizure of foreign lands, the appropriation of their resources, the subjugation and Russification of other peoples. Russian historians once put into circulation a thesis about Russia's civilizing mission. And "denazification" was aimed at bringing the natives to the Russian script. So that those of them, who survived, and their descendants could read Pushkin.     "Denazification" is deeply rooted in Russian consciousness and is backed by the vast majority of public. People of my generation remember "denazification" of Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. And in 1980, Poland miraculously escaped "denazification".     On August 14, 1980, a strike began at the Gdańsk Shipyard under the leadership of trade union organization "Solidarity" led by Lech Wałęsa. The Kremlin was closely monitoring the development of events. And on August 25, the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee formed a special commission headed by M. Suslov. The Soviet leadership was ready to move troops to Poland in order to "protect the gains of socialism", in other words, not to release Warsaw from its claws.        On August 28, at a meeting of the commission consisting of M.Suslov, A.Gromyk, Yu.Andropov, P.Ustynov and K.Chernenko, a document was being considered, an excerpt from which is worth quoting: "Given the current situation, the Ministry of Defense of the USSR request permission to put, primarily, three tank divisions (1 st in the Baltic Military District, 2 nd in the Belarusian Military District) and one mechanized division (in PreCarpathian Military District) on high alert in order to form a group of troops in the event that it would be necessary to provide military assistance to the Polish People's Republic... If the situation in Poland continues to escalate, we will have to increase the number of divisions of the Baltic, Byelorussian and PreCarpathian military districts, which are constantly on high alert, to the level provided for in case of war".      Aggression as military assistance is not madness, but centuries-old Russian narrative and the practice of its deployment. This is something that Western politicians should grasp.      Carthage must be destroyed!      By Serhii Borshchevskyi, writer and diplomat     Photo by Valentyn Kondratyuk, 2022

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