Poland: We are almost all Ukrainians here today!..

 Poland: We are almost all Ukrainians here today!..

     Yet I failed to learn to speak correctly. Although I used to read and understand Polish. So, in a Polish town, I had been choosing words to a female saleswoman, until she told me extemporaneously a modern aphorism, the slogan of current neighborly relations between our nations:

     - Speak in your own language, sir, we are almost all Ukrainians here today!

      Once it happened that way (why am I not Polish?), I decided to "enlist" in the Military. I will go to the tents on the square behind the government building of the city of Pulava, where one can join the police and soldiers. A man chanted to me.

     - Glory to Ukraine!

     I answered clearly and cheerfully:

     - Glory to Heroes!

     On August 5, the news already reported that the President of Poland Andrzej Duda had honored the fighters of the Ukrainian People's Republic, who lost their lives in battles with the Bolshevists in 1920, defending the independence of the state together with the Polish Army...

     History Professor Volodymyr Serhiychuk reflected on some more glorious pages, where soldiers of our countries were fighting "ramie v ramie" (shoulder to shoulder. - Author), as stated in the message of the Chancellery of the President of Poland.

     Much of the historical heritage indicates that we have a common enemy. Back in1920, and today.

    The history, over-imposed by moscow, sounds in a song that lies as "thedogs-atamans remember, the Polish lords remember...". In fact, the Budyonists of the 1 st Cavalry Army fled from Poles and Ukrainians all the way to Ternopil. Theword "The Piłsudchiki" smolders somewhere along with "The Banderivtsi". Although both definitions stem from the surnames of heads of the nation. Marshal Piłsudski organized the Polish Army and he is also commemorated today, on Maccabeus.

     And there are songs sung both in Powiśle and the Dnieper Valley. One of them is "Hey, falcons...". She is march-oriented or for the campaign, and it resembles  girlfriend left behind in Ukraine. The soldier's feelings echo with a soft lark singing in the sky above Polish steppes...

     While preparing the invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin dwarf putin was attempting to destroy the European Union, having offered "interested" neighbors todivide and annex our country. Back in 2008, Poland (Lech Kaczyński) ignored such a provocation to commit a crime. Instead, the Polish President landed his plane in the capital of Georgia, where the heads of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were, and all of them together condemned moscow's aggressive attack.

     I believe the presidential plane crash in 2010 over Smolensk to be a moscowia`s terror attack. Then 96 best sons and daughters of Poland were killed. It was, undeniably, putins revenge to Kaczynski for Georgia and for refusing to participate in the annexation of Ukraine.

    The traces of this appalling crime date back to Katyn, where President Kaczyński was heading to to honor the memory of the Polish soldiers tortured bythe Chekists, to Kherson, where the remains of the soldiers of General Mariusz. Zaruski and the very legendary general himself, who was shot in 1941, rest in the memorial cemetery.

Viktor Tyutyun, writer

Photo by Valentyn Kondratiuk, 2022

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