Vaccination during the war is a strategic blow to the enemy

 Vaccination during the war is a strategic blow to the enemy

     Throughout the development of the corona-infection epidemic, my colleagues and I publicly repeatedly pointed out the insufficient and late measures taken by the state and the Ministry of Health to combat the epidemic. On top of that, the government sank in corruption and made profit on patients with COVID-19, in particular, on the procurement of low-quality vaccines, test kits, sale of protective masks, ventilators, financing pay to infectious disease doctors, etc.

     In order to camouflage inaction, the Ministry of Health simulated a fierce combat against the corona epidemic. They cleared street trade, which is minimally risky in terms of contact with infected people. Instead, they concentrated crowds of customers in closed supermarkets, whose owners were happy about the influx of people and the elimination of street competitors.

     The green majority and the government established a "covid-19" additional payment to the police amounting to UAH 10,000 for the risk to be infected when patrolling streets and crowded places. Instead, the police drove people from streets, from the open air, into rooms and apartments where there were already infected roommates, neighbors...

     It is impossible to list all the damage and stupidity caused by the health "care". Tens of thousands of patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19 became the price of such a combat against the epidemic. The number of those infected, sick and dead at that time is unknown, because testing for the infection in quantitative and qualitative indicators was extremely inadequate. The epidemic was hidden and latent throughout its development in Ukraine. And it is like that now!

     The week before last, 27,000 infected people were detected, last week - already 47. If earlier information about the course of the epidemic was published in mass media every day, now there is complete silence. If earlier both the mask regime and unjustified lockdowns were introduced, now there are no anti-epidemic measures.

     In mid-September, the Director-General of the WHO announced that starting with October Ukraine will be facing the highest wave of the epidemic for all time and the largest in Europe.

     The War. Under such a difficult condition, any anti-epidemic measures regarding any infection, which is capable of incapacitating hundreds of thousands of people, must be taken in a clear, timely, qualitative and comprehensive manner. On the anti-epidemic front, as on the military front.

     Attention, please!!! Until now, the authorities of Ukraine have not obliged all eligible contingents to carry out 100% vaccination with three doses. First of all, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the police, military medics. This is a NATO standard!

     God forbid the epidemic among the military. The rate of spread of the epidemic, the number of patients and those hospitalized have a high rate of growth. The severity of the course and mortality are on the rise.

     What does this nature of the current epidemic indicate? This is a consequence of the fact that the Ministry of Health has failed vaccination rollout, both quantitatively and organizationally.

     Regarding vaccination of the civilians. To be fully vaccinated is to help win the war! Because when you are vaccinated, it means that you will not occupy an inpatient bed that a military person will need, you will not distract the attention of doctors, oxygen and medication that a military person will need.

     Vaccination during the war is a strategic and tactical attack on the enemy, it is a help to the defenders of the country.

     Valerii IVASIUK, politician, doctor of medicine

     The author is in the picture

Теги: Валерій Івасюк, Думки вголос, Незалежний Медіа Форум, Незалежний український медіацентр у Європі,, Independent Media Forum, IMF,COVID-19,протиепідемічні заходи,ВООЗ,МОЗ

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