Tomash SAKEVIC: Poland needs a nuclear umbrella
Tomash Sakevich: Poland needs a nuclear umbrella
Poland needs a nuclear umbrella
Poland will not be defenseless if Moscow decides to attack us with a nuclear weapon. A nuclear umbrella from the US provides defense. In the case of a nuclear shot, countries of NATO have to answer the way so that they eliminate opponent’s fighting capabilities. Sureness in this reaction does not allow rulers in the Kremlin to apply weapons of mass destruction not only against countries of NATO, but also against other countries that are not members of this alliance. Nowadays, everything works, but there are some questions that should be clarified.
Firstly, there are no nuclear weapons on the new members of NATO territories. It gives Russia a striking advantage. It is just much closer. Secondly, Russia may play the use of nuclear weapons between those who was attacked and its owners. There is an idea in the Kremlin doctrine about applying weapons of mass destruction below the response threshold. It means, for instance, using a little payload to introduce dilemmas to make decisions about the responses of those who were attacked.
Russia’s conventional failures may become a reason for the revival of an idea in the Kremlin of applying nuclear weapons. And again, because, in my mind, last year spring we were not so far from this decision. Anyway, there is no sense to think whether it is closer or further. It is about to make it impossible.
Last year, the president, Andrzej Duda, confirmed to “Gazeta Polska” that Poland is interested in participating in the program Nuclear Sharing. We do not know what has happened all around this case since then. But even accession to this program does not end this topic. There must be deterrence potential on NATO’s eastern flank.
We must have not only nuclear warheads, but also means of delivery that at least equal our potential to Russia’s.
American diplomacy got started to speak about the new architecture of European safety, the axis of which must be Poland. Countries from Scandinavia through Poland to Romania, and in the future also Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, have to be protected. Looking at the map and the potential, Poland must be an axis of this new architecture. Of nuclear architecture as well.
Tomash Sakevich
Translated by Maxim Malienko
Gazeta Polska – Partner of the Independent Media Forum