New exacerbation of Putin’s geopolitical paranoia before the Ward №6

New exacerbation of Putin’s geopolitical paranoia before the Ward №6
During the meeting of the Security Council of Russia 21.07.23, the dictator and war criminal, Putin, stated that western Poland (ex-territory of Germany) is a “present from Stalin” and Poland has to be grateful to the USSR for “restoration of independence”. He pointed out that Poland reacquired its independence and sovereignty thanks to the USSR.
Putin’s address to the historical problem indicates a new exacerbation of the geopolitical paranoia of the Kremlin firebug of the War. Suffering on incurable mental illness of existing in a parallel universe, the dictator is making up new ludicrous and false wordings:
- “Lenin created Ukraine”
- “Stalin gave Poland its western part”
Poland immediately answered the statement.
The Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, stated that Stalin was a war criminal due to whom hundreds of thousands of Polish citizens died. “Historical truth is unarguable”, - pointed the Prime Minister.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Paweł Jabłoński, answering to Putin’s words, stated: “We have one more confirmation of who Putin is and what Russia is today. Putin dreams about returning to the times of Stalin. Saying about allegedly “Stalin presents”, he lies, because we have lost a significantly bigger part of our territory; we were conquered by the soviets, we were occupied by them for almost five decades. Falsification of history is also Putin’s weapon, which he uses in hybrid war”.
Deputy Coordinator of the Minister of Special Services of Poland, Stanisław Żaryn, stated: “The Kremlin pathetic nonentity repeats the lie about Poland again; he is trying to falsify the truth about the war against Ukraine. He uses historical revisionism to spread false blame against Poland again”.
“Putin submitted evidence of his panic phobia and fear towards people once again. Occupation of the Kremlin industry is often a way to hide one’s personal weaknesses”, - Stanisław Żaryn pointed out.
Due to the exacerbation of Putin’s incurable mental illness, new “discoveries” from him should be expected:
- Karl Marks is the founder of Honduras;
- Mexico belongs to Russia, since Leo Trotsky is buried in Koyokan.
And so on, and so on, right to hospitalization into the Ward №6.
Jeży Słonewski
Observer of the Independent Media Forum
Translated by Maksym Maliienko